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Holland Group
Research Objectives

Background on Dr. Lisa Holland

Professor Holland earned her B.S. degree in Chemistry from the University of Maryland at College Park and while attending worked as a research technician at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Here she learned the importance of reference standards and the chemistry required to validate them. Dr. Holland earned her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill under the direction of her research advisor, Dr. Jim Jorgenson. Her dissertation was on the development of a microscale two-dimensional capillary liquid chromatography system used to analyze nanoliter volumes of amine compounds from single cells. Dr. Holland was a Postdoctoral research Fellow in the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department at the University of Kansas. Under the direction of Dr. Susan Lunte she developed capillary electrophoresis-electrochemical systems for rapid quantification of electroactive biological compounds.  

Dr. Holland began her faculty position at West Virginia University in 2002.  She serves on the Society for Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis Board of Directors and previously served as the chair and chair elect of the American Chemical Society Subdivision on Chromatography and Separation Science as well as the Principal Investigator on research awards to develop novel separation methods for nanomaterials, influenza A, protein-based pharmaceuticals, and endocrine disruption from contamination of water systems.  

Research in the Holland Group centers on developing new miniaturized analytical separation techniques that overcome challenges to characterizing biological pharmaceuticals and complex biological markers that shed light on human disease. Her experiences in analytical separations and pharmaceutical chemistry are the foundation for developing enabling technology to address research questions that involve biomolecular characterization, bioanalysis, and structural identification.  This research has involved collaborations with scientists in different departments at WVU as well as scientists in the National Resource for Native MS-Guided Structural Biology at Ohio State University (National Resource for |NativeMS (, NCI, NIOSH, and the USGS.